Friday, 4 December 2009

FACT 106

Part of my DJ set recorded at Cafe Capital, Antwerp, Belgium on 6th November is now available on the FACT Magazine website.
Here. (Available for three weeks)


Matthew Newton said...

Ice is fantastic. Is that going to be a January release too?

tek! said...

okay i must admit i am one of those screaming men you hear in the background. thank you for a great night!

Unknown said...

@Matthew Newton
'Ice' was released on 'Force + Form' LP on Tresor in 1998

Matthew Newton said...

Yeah i guessed as much on the second listen, thought it was black jackel throwbacks actually, couldn remember. I wouldn't mind but ive had force and form for years. Schoolboy error!

essence said...

so any chance we can see compliance momentum/crawling frog released any day soon?

Matthew Newton said...

I have to say; i have listened to this mix about five times and i truly think it is one of your best to date. It has everything, and its great to see Fran in there. He truly is remarkable. Thanks for the sets. Hopefully your exposure of Fran will get him bigger.


Simonpink said...

Force + Form still sounds as good now as the day I first heard it.